CfA Evenementen Kalender

de Week van februari 07 door februari 13, 2021

11:00 am: Sterrenstelsels & Kosmologie & Sterren & Planeten Seminar (Zoom)
Anna Wright (Johns Hopkins): “De Vorming van Geïsoleerde Ultra-Diffuse Sterrenstelsels in Romulus25”
Alex Lazarian (UW-Madison): “Nieuwe Manieren van het Magnetisch Veld Tracing: Implicaties voor de ISM, clusters van Sterrenstelsels en CMB polarisatie studies”

dinsdag, 09 februari

1:00 pm: Exoplanet Presentation Lounge (Zoom) Zoom link Hannah Diamond-Lowe (DTU Space): “The LHS 3844 System: Transmission Spectroscopy of the Rocky Exoplanet Lhs 3844b and the High-Energy Spectrum of Its Host Star” Spencer Hurt (CU Boulder): “A Decade of Radial Velocity-Monitoring of Vega and New Limits on the Presence of Planets”

Wednesday, February 10

12:30 uur: High Energy Phenomena Seminar (Zoom) zoom link here.Martin Pohl (U. Potsdam / DESY): “Magnetic-field structure and electron heating at collisionless shocks” Thomas Pasini (U. Hamburg): “A first view at the core of A1668: offset cooling and AGN feedback”

donderdag 11 februari

10:30 uur: Science Education Department Seminar Series (Zoom) Zoom link
Pia Sörensen (Harvard University): “Food, Fermentation, and Flavor: Tools for Science Education and Outreach”

11:00 uur: ITC Colloquium (Zoom)
Clara Sousa-Silva (CFA): “finding an alien Biosphere with computational chemistry”

16:00 pm: CFA colloquium (zoom)
Dr. Rebecca Charbonneau, Dr. Emily Margolis (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian): “Observing the Past: Practical Applications of the History of Astronomy”

vrijdag 12 februari

12:30 uur: SMA Seminar Series (Zoom) Zoom link
Valentin Le Gouellec (ESO / Université Paris-Saclay): “Restriining the Dust Grain Alignment Mechanism verantwoordelijk voor de (sub-)millimeter Stofpolarisatie waargenomen in protostellaire kernen van klasse 0”

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